Nampa Fence and Deck

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We are your premiere Fence and Deck Installation contractors in Nampa. With our Idaho native Fence and Deck Installation crew, we know the do's and dont's to properly and efficiently take care of your home or business needs. Besides providing professional expertise and quality services, Nampa Fence and Deck offers free estimates and upfront prices on all services provided. Nampa, Idaho Fence and Deck Installation Pros are only a call away! 208-271-4384
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Company Name | Nampa Fence and Deck |
Operating since | 2019 |
Registered in | USA |
Ownership | Other |
No. of Employees | < 50 |
Scale of Operation | Tiny - Tiny/ Cottage/ Home based business |
Exporter | No |
Importer | No |
Products/ Services | commercial fence, deck repair, fence installation and repair, weatherproof deck, damage deck repair, residential fence install |
Contact Person | Mr Nampa Deck, Owner |
Address | 913 2nd St S |
City | Nampa |
State | Idaho |
Country | USA |
Telephone | 1 208 2714384 |
Alternate Phone | |
Mobile | |
Created on: 07-12-2019, Last updated on: 07-12-2019