Painting With Diamonds
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Create a custom diamond painting art in 2 easy steps. Upload your photo to get started. We sell all kinds of custom diamond art and diamond painting kits which are made to suit all ages. They include everything you need to create a diamond painting kit. New to diamond painting and diamond art? No problem!
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Company Name | Painting With Diamonds |
Operating since | 2014 |
Registered in | USA |
Ownership | Sole Proprietorship |
No. of Employees | > 1000 |
Scale of Operation | Tiny - Tiny/ Cottage/ Home based business |
Exporter | No |
Importer | No |
Products/ Services | diamond art, diamond painting, custom diamond art |
Contact Person | Painting With, other |
Address | Serving Area |
City | Torrance |
State | California |
Country | USA |
Telephone | 1 310 3034351 |
Alternate Phone | |
Mobile | |
Created on: 31-01-2024, Last updated on: 31-01-2024